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The Independent Implementation Supervisor is also working to facilitate collaboration and information-sharing across the domestic and family violence, sexual violence and criminal justice systems. This includes promoting some of the extensive work that has been undertaken by government agencies, research organisations and the non-government sector to improve service system responses and build the evidence base on 'what works'.

To access further information on the growing evidence base for domestic, family and sexual violence, as well as key training and informational resources, please visit the following organisations:


    Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety to Reduce Violence Against Women & their Children
  • OurWatch

    You can prevent violence against women by promoting gender equality with the help of tools, training, events and communities of practice from Our Watch.
  • UN Women

    Explore the range of publications and reports produced by UN Women, including but not limited to international reports, case studies, discussion papers and best practice guides.

While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this site, we do not endorse any information or events listed here. Links to third party websites are inserted for convenience only and should not be seen as an endorsement by the Office of the Independent Implementation Supervisor. We make no representation or warranty regarding the content of these sites, and no responsibility is taken for the consequences of viewing or reliance on this content.